Monday, November 10, 2008

Kenetic type one

heres my kenetic type assignment, here's my first one. I'm still working on the second one and I'll post it later.


Thursday, October 30, 2008


omg Its an update! Almost a month later but Here's an update!....



okay well I dont really have anything to post but just letting you know I'm still alive, sorta zombish so probly more notdead would be more accurate.... my next task I'm currently working on is a Kenetic typeography assignment using the lyrics from Bleed it out, stay tuned because I'll have it finished by next weekend most likely. I've also got some images I made for the IUPUI Student chapter of SIGGRAPH's Oktoberfest compotition, ended up winning the logo design so go me.

Until next time


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

inspirational media and sketches

okay i ment to post these sooner but here's what inspired me to do the designs i did last one is a still from the music video for sitting at a bar/ bartender song.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Veer website revamping

Okay so here's what I've been working on for a while, plus all weekend... Dont ask me how much time I have in these cuz I honestly dont know lol... Really should start keeping logs o.o

The premis, Take a Print ad, a piece of music, a classic tv show, and an illustration and make a website interface for the website

I chose: Rehab's Sitting in a bar for the music, An album cover for the illustration, the old show "Mork and Mindy" for the show, and some "Olay skin cream" ad for the print ad.. I'll post the reference images later, at least the direct influences, no one wants to see my folders of particular item references lol

A big problem I had with this was that the Veer website has WAY too much stuff on the frontpage. I mean that have 3 buttons for searching and a LOT of redundency.. I tossed some of it in a coupel designs to try and free up space. I also wanted to get the gritty look of this Jack E. Davis illustration, but when I did it where it looked right, it made the text unreadable( even if i slapped the text on top after applying all the filters) so i had to scale it way back but its there..

Enjoy and let me know what ya think, this isnt actually do until Weds so ;)


Saturday, October 4, 2008

In the works

Currently im working on a few projects; and I'll post as i get them done / get to a scanner.

side note, i REALLY need to learn interactive flash and make a website >_<


Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here's a really conceptual piece I did for illustration Friday. For those that dont really get how this relates to the "island" concept it has, obviously, more to do with the feelings of a person then that of an actual piece of land surounded by water. Most people can related to the Isolated feeling of middle/ high school years. Isolated land; isolated person, get the connection? I'm not sure how else to explain it. I just wanted to stear away from the obviousness of typical islands and throw something from the concept end of things into the mix.. Enjoy :-D

Sunday, September 14, 2008

One last revision

okay so i just couldnt let the TASI logo go as it was, Here's the LAST revision.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Illustration Friday submit

Okay here's where i ended up, changed it around to put some water in it and played around some more with the lighting ect but tried not to go too overboard.

meh.. it is what it is "Clutter" :-D

Wes / LK1

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Illustrator friday work in progress

This is the idea im running with for this weeks Illustrator's word "clutter." Its a junk yard... yay... the other 2 ideas involved a guy at desk surounded by piles of paper and a presidential candadite caricature...
Wes aka LK1

Monday, September 8, 2008

And the winner is...

here it is, in the morning, like i said; if anyone actually reads this that is :-D
Wes / LK1

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Smallest things = biggest problems

Wow i had a lotta problems finishing this up. It can be rough distilling information in an image down in a certin format, and then shrink it. We'll here's my final logo I cam up with. As you'll note its similur to 2 of my comps but not exactly the same. The redesign came up as a fix for both text that didnt read well in small formate and the value problems I was running into. Instead of a total person i decided to focus on the upper portion around the "egg-head" of the design I had. I think that part reads pretty well. This logo tries to focus more on the technical aspects of the company since that's what they seem to be about. Yes, they are centric around saving peoples lives; but they aproch it in a very technical manner. In that sense I think this logo reads well towards that.

Something I've taken away from this task? I'm definitly going to have to do a study on small fonts and type. I seriosuly struggled with trying to get a font that would work with the logo on a buisness card size.

The image will be uploaded in the morning as Im still stuck in the stoneage speed connection wise.

Wes aka LK1

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

okay forget the last ones..

okay it tottaly inverted the colors so heres the one I'm using

and the winners are...

okay so i decided which ones i wanted to do, here they are both in color and grayscale. I think im leaning more towards the one with the science guy inplace of the "I"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So many choices

After the advice during presentation last week I got some more ideas for my logo design. One of which im definitly going to use as one of my three comps. The problem then occurs that even though I made some rather bad comps compaired to others, that I have more then three that I think would do good to go further with... So gotta figure out which 3 to keep. Which will it be? No one will know until tommorow :-D

Wes aka LK1

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Project 1, flow

Okay for this project I am doing a new logo for a company.. kinda interesting. I did the thumbs to help get ideas out and figure out the layout for the new logo. The drawings are strictly lineart since shading seems to ruin detail at this small of scale... This is just the first step, once i decided on a layout I'll work with color choices and shading, only have to worry about 3 that way in the next step. After I do that I'll figure which one I like the best of all and finilize it in Illustrator... Work continues

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Path continues

This is the first posting of this blog. The idea came as an assignment in college. I'm an aspiring animator and in this blog I will talk about my art along with all the problems I shall face. I still have about 2 more years left so, I might as well go public sooner then later right?