Sunday, October 5, 2008

Veer website revamping

Okay so here's what I've been working on for a while, plus all weekend... Dont ask me how much time I have in these cuz I honestly dont know lol... Really should start keeping logs o.o

The premis, Take a Print ad, a piece of music, a classic tv show, and an illustration and make a website interface for the website

I chose: Rehab's Sitting in a bar for the music, An album cover for the illustration, the old show "Mork and Mindy" for the show, and some "Olay skin cream" ad for the print ad.. I'll post the reference images later, at least the direct influences, no one wants to see my folders of particular item references lol

A big problem I had with this was that the Veer website has WAY too much stuff on the frontpage. I mean that have 3 buttons for searching and a LOT of redundency.. I tossed some of it in a coupel designs to try and free up space. I also wanted to get the gritty look of this Jack E. Davis illustration, but when I did it where it looked right, it made the text unreadable( even if i slapped the text on top after applying all the filters) so i had to scale it way back but its there..

Enjoy and let me know what ya think, this isnt actually do until Weds so ;)



Phi said...
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Phi said...

For the logo you can get the vector file at So that you wouldn't make it look out of place in all your design. For the layout it could need a little more organize and the space between different element. Also the color could of a rework to make them mix well together. Sometime a simple mix of color and simple color can carry a design well. So you dont really need to use gradient all the time if you need to use it then you probably need to use color that blend well together. Especially the 3rd design the light blue have too much value over the other blue.

BBush said...

it would be cool to animate the bottles when they are selected, like make them shake or something

Alex said...

I like the designs, but I've gotta say... the rainbows are a tad distracting in the Mork & Mindy design. I get the reference, but maybe if you desaturated the colors, it'd be easier to focus on the content rather than the borders...

Koompa said...

I actually like the hot pink colored ones the most. They make me want to listen to pop music.